If your child is in their teens as you divorce, you may not think you need to worry much about their parenting plan. You might think that as long as you detail how you’ll split custody and how you’ll deal with their school breaks and summer vacations, there’s not much...
Your living costs will go up after divorce
While there are always exceptions to the rule, there's a general trend that living costs tend to increase after you get divorced. This is simply because it is less expensive to be married than it is to be single, according to some studies. Single individuals spend a...
Where will you live during your divorce?
Many divorcing couples remain in the home they share until finalizing their divorce. Yet this is not always possible or desirable. What are your options, then? Here are some things to consider: Do you have children? Your kids would probably find it easier if you both...
Signs that your spouse may be losing interest
In a lot of divorce cases, both people will admit that nothing dramatic really happened to end the marriage. They just drifted apart over time and lost interest. In some cases, the other spouse is very surprised to learn about this loss of interest. They thought...
How can fathers in Wisconsin establish paternity?
Being a father is so much more than contributing to the creation of a child. It is helping that child develop into a mature and healthy adult and providing them with the love and support they need to thrive during their youth. For many men, fatherhood can also be a...
What happens to your dog when you divorce in Wisconsin?
The end of a marriage is often an emotional time. Although you and your ex agree that divorce is the right choice, it can be hard to change your living circumstances and family. Even if you and your spouse don't have children together, you may share a dog or other...
When is parallel parenting the best choice for your family?
Most parents who share custody of their children following divorce find a way to co-parent them because it’s in the kids’ best interests. However, that’s not a point that all parents can get to – at least not right away. If you and your co-parent aren’t able to have...
What divorcing parents of adopted children need to know
If you and your spouse built your family by adopting a child, divorce can bring added layers of guilt and worry about how your child is going to cope. If your child’s life before adoption involved multiple foster homes or other upheavals, you may fear that changing...
Are you ready for divorce?
If you are divorcing, it is easy to focus on what you don’t want and forget to think about what you do want. For instance: You don’t want to share a house and life with your partner anymore. All well and good, but what do you want to do with that house you both...
Do you have to split an inheritance with your spouse in divorce?
One of the biggest concerns that some people have while getting a divorce is what they’re going to do about any inheritances they received during their marriage. The assets were likely left solely to them and not to their spouse as well. However, during the divorce,...